Bukusudoku Game

Free Buku Sudoku Game Download

#Free# Buku Sudoku #Download#

Buku Sudoku

Genres: PC Puzzle Games, PC Sudoku Games

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Experience the puzzle sensation that is sweeping the nation. Buku Sudoku offers countless hours of Sudoku puzzle games and even teaches you how to play! Generate countless puzzles using numbers, shapes, pictures, and symbols. Choose from themes like Ancient Japan, Underwater Paradise, and Tropical Rainforest. Create and solve any Sudoku puzzle - even those found online and in newspapers!

Game Features

  • 3 difficulty levels.
  • 2 gameplay modes.
  • Multiple themes to play.
  • Save, print, or e-mail any Sudoku game.

System Requirements

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7
  • CPU: 600MHz or faster Processor
  • RAM: 128 Mb

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